Bruno Verdini

TitleBruno Verdini
Publication Typestudent
Year of Publication2016
AuthorsVerdini, B


Lecturer Department of Urban Studies and Planning, MIT
Executive Director, MIT-Mexico Negotiation Program​

At MIT’s Department of Urban Studies and Planning, Dr. Verdini’s research focuses on cognitive and emotional insights from the fields of negotiation, mediation, and conflict resolution; management strategies from the practice of adaptive leadership and collaborative decision-making; and the narrative structure of compelling political communication.

Dr. Verdini received MIT’s first ever interdisciplinary and interdepartmental Ph.D. in Negotiation, Communication, Diplomacy, and Leadership. His work, which explores how to improve transboundary natural resource management negotiations, won the 2015 Harvard Law School Award for the best research in negotiation, competitive decision-making, mediation, and dispute resolution. Selected from across diverse fields of study, including business, economics, law, government, and psychology, this is the first time that the annual award has been given to an MIT alumnus, as well as the first time it has been awarded to someone from Latin America.

Areas of Interest

Alternative Energy, Climate Change, Conflict, Dispute Resolution, Mediation, and Participatory Planning, Environmental Planning and Management, Government, International Studies, Resource Management, Water Conservation


Lecturer, Urban Planning and Negotiation, MIT

Assistant Director