Animesh Gain

TitleAnimesh Gain
Publication Typestudent
AuthorsGain, A


Marie Curie Global Fellow

Dr. Animesh Gain began his appointment as the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Global Fellow in Department of Urban Studies and Planning (DUSP) in September, 2019. Funded by the European Commission, Dr. Gain hopes to develop new understandings of complex human-water systems in large transboundary river basins. His goal is to enhance transboundary cooperation for international peace and security.  Since arriving at MIT he has published six papers including: Social-ecological system approaches for water resources management (International Journal of Sustainable Development & World Ecology), Tidal river management for sustainable agriculture in the Ganges-Brahmaputra delta: implication for land use policy (Land Use Change), Designing adaptation pathways for flood-affected households in Bangladesh (Environment, Development and Sustainability). During the spring 2020 semester, he co-taught Water Diplomacy (11.382) with Prof. Susskind, presenting has ongoing work on the Brahmaputra River Basin and guiding student case studies for the Aquapedia. He is currently a member of the editorial boards of Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences and Frontiers in Water.

Areas of Interest

Water Diplomacy

Faculty Contributor
