Shekhar is a Ph.D. candidate in Public Policy in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning Environmental Policy & Planning group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). He is also pursuing a Master's in Political Science at MIT. His research areas are public policy, political economy, and political philosophy.
Before coming to MIT, he worked with India's National Planning Commission on energy, transport and governance issues
Jungwoo is a PhD Student in public policy & planning at the Department of Urban Studies & Planning at MIT. Jung, a South Korean national, trained in law & diplomacy, and international affairs, is a passionate thinker on wicked policy questions with the aim of unpacking complex interactions between human and environmental spheres to envision sustainable society and economy.
Isadora is a doctoral student in the International Development Group at MIT's Department of Urban Studies and Planning. Her research interests include urban water supply governance and finance, urban social movements, and participatory planning. Originally from Brazil, she holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from the University of Brasília and a Master in City Planning from MIT/DUSP. Prior to coming to MIT, Isadora worked as a research assistant at the Institute for Applied Economic Research in Brazil on projects about public participation in policy development. She is currently the Media and Communications Director of the MIT Water Club, having previously served as Lecture Series Chair and Co-Vice President of the club.
Priyanka is a PhD student in the Department of Urban Studies and Planning. She holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s of Technology in Energy Engineering with a minor in Physics from the Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (2013). She received her MSc in Environmental Change and Management and MBA from the University of Oxford, where she studied as a Rhodes Scholar (2013-2015). Priyankawasa consultant for UNEP in Nairobi for a year, where she was responsible for deploying a low-cost air quality monitoring network, and then moved to the MIT Senseable City Lab where she continued work on air quality monitoring. She is interested in exploring issues related to energy and air quality for her thesis
Aria is a Ph.D. candidate at MIT's Department of Urban Studies and Planning and a guest student at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute's Marine Policy Center, where she researches marine planning. After she studied architecture and urban design at Georgia Tech and spent a few years practicing planning and urban design, she became interested in the application of urban planning tools to spaces that are not typically thought of as urban, especially insofar as they are used to rationalize territory in ways that perpetuate spatial injustice. At the moment, that means she is investigating marine planning processes and the interactions of ecological, economic, and political forces that shape submerged lands.